Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beat It Baby - Dance With Me

Can you dance the Michael Jackson hit song "Beat It" with me? If you can't, just watch me.

Dancing Cockatoo

Hey, lets dance. Dance with me like this. C'mon, dance with me.

Keyboard Expert Cat

Can you play the keyboard like me? If not, I will show you how, like this.

Captain Barbell Meets Darna

Captain Barbell Meets DarnaCaptain Barbell and Darna

Here is the latest news about the pinoy superhero stories, when Captain Barbell meets Darna.

Triceracopter - A Nice Artwork

World's Latest Trends - TriceracopterTriceracopter
A combined look of Tricerosaurus and Helicopter

Is it a Tricerosaurus or a Helicopter? No, it's a Triceracopter.